Possible Future Questions
August 13, 2018
Sexual ethics (homosexuality, premarital and extra-marital sex) didn’t appear in either the specimen paper or the 2018 paper. Does this make it a highly likely theme for 2019? Perhaps. The issues could be related to any ethical theory studied (we will have studied five theories – Kantian ethics, natural law, situation ethics and act and rule utilitarianism). But questions could also be related to conscience.
Possible future questions to practise:
- “In terms of sexual ethical decisions, all you need to do is apply your conscience”. Discuss
- “Religion is irrelevant in deciding issues surrounding sexual behaviour”. Discuss
- Critically evaluate the view that the ethics of sexual behaviour should be entirely private and personal.
- “Because sexual conduct affects others, it should be subject to legislation”. Discuss
- “Normative theories are useful in what they might say about sexual ethics”. Discuss
- Take any of the five ethical theories and ask: “X is the best approach to issues surrounding pre-marital sex etc”.