Exam Questions OCR new spec
July 26, 2018
Here are some possible future exam questions on sexual ethics. Remember to practise applying any of the four major ethical theories listed in the specification to ‘issues surrounding’ sexual ethics: Utilitarianism (act and rule), Kantian ethics, Natural Law (and Roman Catholic encyclicals which apply natural law such as Humanae Vitae 1968), and Situation Ethics. For a further Christian viewpoint, consult Issues in Human Sexuality (Church of England report, 2003), available here
Sexual Behaviour
- “In terms of sexual ethical decisions, all you need to do is apply your conscience”. Discuss
- “Religion is irrelevant in deciding issues surrounding sexual behaviour”. Discuss
- Critically evaluate the view that the ethics of sexual behaviour should be entirely private and personal.
- “Because sexual conduct affects others, it should be subject to legislation”. Discuss
- “Normative theories are useful in what they might say about sexual ethics”. Discuss
- “Natural Law is the best approach to issues surrounding sexual ethics”. Discuss (see sample essay available on this website).